ELEctric Vehicle Brakes
Your EV Brake Experts: Keeping You Safe on the Road
At TAB Automotive, we understand that your electric vehicle’s brakes are crucial for safety and control, just as they are for any other vehicle. To ensure that your brakes are in top-notch condition, it's crucial to understand the different types of brakes and the recommended maintenance intervals.
How EV Braking Systems Differ
EVs use a combination of regenerative braking and traditional disc and drum brakes. Regenerative braking helps recharge the vehicle’s battery while slowing the car down, reducing wear on your brake pads. However, traditional brakes are still necessary for full stopping power, especially in emergency situations. Understanding these differences is key to maintaining your EV’s safety.
Regenerative Braking: This system uses the motor to slow down the vehicle, converting kinetic energy into electrical energy to recharge the battery. This reduces the reliance on traditional braking components, leading to less wear and tear on the brake pads.
Traditional Brakes: Just like in conventional vehicles, your EV is equipped with disc and drum brakes that provide stopping power when regenerative braking is not enough.
Routine Maintenance for Your EV's Brakes
EVs generally experience less wear on their brake pads due to regenerative braking. However, regular maintenance is still essential for ensuring your safety and the longevity of your braking system. Here’s a guideline for brake system maintenance:
Every 12,000 Miles: Inspect the brake pads and brake fluid. While regenerative braking reduces the need for frequent pad replacement, it’s still important to check for any wear on the pads. Brake fluid should also be checked and replaced if necessary to maintain braking performance.
Every 25,000 Miles: Manufacturers recommend changing the brake fluid to preserve the effectiveness of the braking system. Even with regenerative braking, traditional brakes require attention to stay in good working condition.
Prioritize Your Safety
Your safety on the road depends on well-maintained brakes. Pay attention to warning signs such as vibrations coming up the steering column, pulling to one side when braking, or unusual metal scraping noises. These indicators could signify brake system issues that require immediate attention.
At TAB Automotive, we take your safety seriously. We are dedicated to providing expert brake services, whether it's routine maintenance or addressing potential issues. We have the knowledge and experience to keep your brakes in peak condition, ensuring you have full control and confidence while driving.
Don't compromise on safety – trust us to handle all your brake service needs. Contact us today to experience the peace of mind that comes with well-maintained brakes. Your safety is our top priority.